Artificial Intelligence, Reasoning & Decision Making

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understanding fundamental concepts of AI agents, environments, and decision making
  • Applying probability theory and Bayesian reasoning to AI problems
  • Constructing and reasoning with Bayesian networks
  • Implementing inference algorithms like variable elimination and sampling methods
  • Analyzing sequential decision problems using Markov Decision Processes
  • Solving MDPs through techniques like value iteration and policy iteration
  • Exploring game theory concepts including Nash equilibria and Pareto optimality
  • Developing argumentation frameworks and evaluating argument acceptability
  • Implementing clustering algorithms like k-means and hierarchical clustering
  • Applying dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA
  • Designing agent communication languages and dialogue protocols
  • Examining ethical considerations in AI development and deployment
  • Evaluating different AI approaches for reasoning under uncertainty
  • Implementing search algorithms for problem solving in AI
  • Understanding knowledge representation techniques in AI systems

Skills for module:


Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning

Intelligent Agents





Problem Solving


Data Science

Critical Thinking

Time Management

Artificial Intelligence, Reasoning & Decision Making


Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding fundamental concepts of AI agents, environments, and decision making
  • Applying probability theory and Bayesian reasoning to AI problems
  • Constructing and reasoning with Bayesian networks
  • Implementing inference algorithms like variable elimination and sampling methods
  • Analyzing sequential decision problems using Markov Decision Processes
  • Solving MDPs through techniques like value iteration and policy iteration
  • Exploring game theory concepts including Nash equilibria and Pareto optimality
  • Developing argumentation frameworks and evaluating argument acceptability
  • Implementing clustering algorithms like k-means and hierarchical clustering
  • Applying dimensionality reduction techniques such as PCA
  • Designing agent communication languages and dialogue protocols
  • Examining ethical considerations in AI development and deployment
  • Evaluating different AI approaches for reasoning under uncertainty
  • Implementing search algorithms for problem solving in AI
  • Understanding knowledge representation techniques in AI systems